Rick's archival photos
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Please look around. I have allot of fun doing this sort of thing. I take photos everywhere I go.  All of the photos here have been taken by me.
  I do sell these images too if you want to inquire.
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Ricks Flickr Sets Page
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All of my photos are now viewable on my Flickr Page here...click here. (Not on the image to the left.)

Birds and Animal Photo Page
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I started to snap images of birds and animals. Not really intending to I actually have a nice collection now.

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Cool stuff with Light
Good Images

I love to try different photography techniques.

ImagesI have taken while sailing
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I have sailed in Vancouver, Washington State, New york State, Lake Ontario, Toronto and in two oceans. I love it.

Images from Trips I have taken - Joshua Tree National Park
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1997 I traveled across the country. Some of my best photography happened on that trip.

Images from Trips I have taken - Varadero Cuba
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Sun, blue water, warm sand beaches and nice people.

Panoramic Page
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Panoramic images of various places I have been.

mirror project

Ricks images on the Mirror Project
New Images

More going here in the future

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