My Car and tent are right in the center. Yellow tent small silver VW Golf. This was ten minutes from the city "Twenty nine Palms" There is a song named the same Twenty Nine Palms. It is nice.
I could pop in to the Internet cafe and email people. I did that in 1997 :) not many people had email then. But I proudly sent one from the desert.
The town had a good food store where I got steak potatoes and beer. I marinated them and had a great cook out. Having a beer in the desert with a palm tree as my chair. This is the east end of the park.
I spent 1.5 weeks at the park. I spent half at one end and half at the other. I regret not getting a photo of a Coyote. They are like wild dogs and bay at the moon. They beg for food just like Raccoons do here. They were cool to see.
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